Tuesday, May 27, 2008

cricket mania

what the hell is wrong with our generation? why are we such a cricket obsessed nation? i always wonder if tendulkar ganguly would not be around what would bengalis and marathas look at for state pride.....and to think that a billion people have only a game played by 11 that too not effectively to bring us together....i have nothing against the game but the obsession with it is what drives me mad....at any point of time switch on the tube and you have one of those 15 cricketers faces staring at you...from their kundalis to the colour of their underwear i really do not want to know this much about a game. .....it is a game let them play it and if they do not do well it is not life and death for the nation.....it is a game not my nation's pride at stake i value india a lot more than that and 11 players are hardly the martyrs i am looking for......

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