Monday, October 1, 2007

bhatt and bose shut up!!!!!!!!!

i just read a few of rahul Bose’s comments on Gandhi in toi published on page 2 and gwad do i want to tell him to shut up......just who the hell are these guys to represent the views of our in the posh addresses of mumbai contributing zilch to the produce of our nation....making sillybillies like pyaar mein twist...i mean what crap....and we ask them to represent us. Both Mahesh bhatt and rahul Bose need to be gagged so that the tripe stops.....i want a leader who speaks my language sits with the 90% of the nation and understands their viewpoints and the baggage they come with it really that hard to get that man/woman.....i hope one day as an electorate i get the opportunity to vote for a leader ready to take on this mammoth responsibility which even the first family of politics gandhis in their capacity fail to fulfill….

i am disillusioned with the leaders of today as I see corruption to the point of a police office asking for a mere 50 to shut a case…I mean how low have we as a society got……the endless potholes on the roads make me shudder …..The rich in their palatial houses do understand this ……but don’t get the wrongful confinement of the poor. The pain of the phasi pardhi tribe who are hauled to the police station every time that there is a robbery in the area...or the merciless beatings of their so called masters for imagined lazy workings ……what an irony the casteless so called society we live in……

but all is not bleak…..there are endeavors that would make one proud…..recently we organized a health camp in a ashramshala in khadavli (that’s 60 kms from Mumbai train route)eons away from the city culture ……the ashramshala’s founder is in his early 30’s so is the principal who is to marry shortly and another teacher who all sleep nights at school so as to cater to the needs of the children studying and staying there ….ask them the relevance of Gandhi who they look on and justify their hard with ……they are true leaders selflessly working on meager earnings for a greater cause of educating their tribal children. also the sight of our army men on the snow caped mountains….surviving the extreme weathers protecting us …they are the true leaders ….the common man doing extra ordinary everyday courageous act …….i salute all of them and rest assured with them Gandhi’s legacy continues…….

Friday, September 7, 2007

thank you

today i said thank you via mail......and realised that when writing a simple thank you one need not do a spell check or word count is the nicest feeling to thank someone for contibuting to your life.....i am writing an assignment on group work and realised that there a hell lot of contributors to my life....the essay would run in thousands of words if i was told to just write the names of all those who have helped and egged me on through the 27 years of my life ........they didnt have to but in the course of their own problem soaked existence still took time for a non entity like me ...i know it sound as is i have won pulitzer or something and am thanking people but even a sane and well rounded personality with a socially rich life is a luxury that i have and i think am among the few fortunates....touch wood....i have discovered that sorry might be the hardest word to say but thank you is the most effective with the giver also realising the joy that his/her life is ...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


After moving from the media to now pursuing a social degree my life has changed. for the better i think...instead of taking about sanjay dutt amitabh now far more weighty issues like dr.lohia's philosphy ,ericksons psychosocial development theory are things am grappling with...and trust me hitting the books might not be easy but knowledge sure brings power. I now think i was a deprived child of the masses who now at a later stage is maturing...working in a news channel i was wasting my most precious resource my brain.....for all those attracted by the glamour of the 24 news channel business the mundane life is not visible nor the slow death of awareness.....the ebbing is so slow that one does not have the will to fight it. maybe i am taking of the people involved in the business today when i say a whole lot are educationally backward in the true sense of the term...a whole new world has developed before our eyes and a lot of research has gone into its growth which is entirely missed by us as media professionals....i was told that there is a term called intelligent reporting ...well what i learnt was talking by rote is make the point clearer a lot of us covered the reservations issue and if one was to look at it one would assume that the nation was against it on the basis of the aiims doctors, iit engineers testimonials but hold on what do they know of being deprived.....our great nation has been for thousand of years depriving people and you want 60 years of reservation to balance the equation?.....a lot of thinkers have written and addressed the problem of equality and what is sad is that water hosing of students has made the media wash away their viewpoints to present a nation against reservations ......

reading is what i have started doing after a very long period of time and am very glad that i got the chance to learn instead of existing for the sake of occupying space...

Thursday, February 15, 2007


i often wonder why do we relish misery...others and ours too...taking off from a live telecast from the very home of two convicted killers who were given death sentence by the supreme court.they were plied before the audience who love to see a gruesome story for trps -that oft repeated word to stop anyone from doing a real story......and of course am sure a lot of people lapped itr the girl cried am sure people increased their television volumes to ensure that they did not miss a whimper....and of course when the husband consoled their was major close ups of the facial expressions no private moments here...but are the audiences to be blamed not really ....even the couple loved the attention..mere days from hanging they were all ready to get their stories and faces pasted in public memory...otherwise hw is the media going to help them now....similar is our reaction,when you hurt yourself dont you love the attention? do we not try to get as much mileage in terms of affection from our loved ones and point to hw hard the ride has been for us.....the more the misery the better the need to comfort one way we thrive on our misery and anyone as one can say..only do the hard times make us realise the significance of the good lets raise a toast to misery-urs and mine