Friday, September 7, 2007

thank you

today i said thank you via mail......and realised that when writing a simple thank you one need not do a spell check or word count is the nicest feeling to thank someone for contibuting to your life.....i am writing an assignment on group work and realised that there a hell lot of contributors to my life....the essay would run in thousands of words if i was told to just write the names of all those who have helped and egged me on through the 27 years of my life ........they didnt have to but in the course of their own problem soaked existence still took time for a non entity like me ...i know it sound as is i have won pulitzer or something and am thanking people but even a sane and well rounded personality with a socially rich life is a luxury that i have and i think am among the few fortunates....touch wood....i have discovered that sorry might be the hardest word to say but thank you is the most effective with the giver also realising the joy that his/her life is ...

1 comment:

Books inc said...

Welcome to blogging man :D